In order to have high viability in the search engines you must design your site with the important SEO techniques built right from the start. Adding SEO after a site is completed adds many more hours and redesign to the process.
BeFound brings SEO techniques into the foundational architecture of a website. After an understanding the business goals for the online presence, a keyword research analysis is performed on both research and buy search words. Once the keyword universe is defined, we can determine the necessary content for the online presence. This could be website or blog or both.
The navigation of the site and page/file naming techniques are chosen from the business needs and these keywords.
After the site is launched, a combination of your search results and these keywords are used to build additional content.
We can design your site from start to finish, or work with your web designer to ensure that these SEO concepts are including in the design of the site.
We pride ourselves in at least doubling the amount of traffic you will see from your website and many times a 4x increase. With BeFound as a part of your team, you can build it and they will come!
Please contact us to see how we can help you Be Found.