Three actions you can take to evaluate your website and make important changes to improve your search rankings.
1. Is my site “search engine friendly?”
See what search engines read when they visit your website.
Type in your domain.
Verify there are no blank results. If there are blank results you may want to talk with an SEO expert, your site is not “search engine friendly”.
2. Find your keywords:
Which websites have high search rankings?
Choose three keywords you would like to achieve ranking for and search those words on the google search box. Print the results for the top 5 sites.
Or research with keyword tool: and then find the top ranking sites.
3. Adjust your site’s page title and description.
At the google search box type site: using your web address.
Print out the pages and circle your page titles and page descriptions for the pages that relate to the three keywords you researched above.
Repeat for each of the top sites you discovered in step 2.
Compare your results to the results of top ranking sites.
If your results (page title and page description) don’t include your keywords, rewrite them based on what you see on the top ranking sites you uncovered above.
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